
What is ergonomics?
Ergonomics refers to the science of human work. The main objective of ergonomics is the adaptation of working conditions to people and not vice versa. Human-centred design of work should improve the quality of work results and contribute to the economic success of the company. The implementation of ergonomics in the workplace leads to increased employee satisfaction and a reduction in sick leave. Therefore, ergonomics is entirely in the interest of both the employee and the employer.
Ergonomics can be divided into different areas: physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics. While ergophys basel focuses mainly on physical ergonomics, i.e. on the interaction between man, machine and the environment, the interfaces with the cognitive and organisational areas are also taken into account.
Ergonomics is particularly important where people work with machines or tools, when moving loads or adopting static postures such as driving vehicles, using machines, working at a computer screen or in logistics. Ergonomics at the workplace aims to design work in such a way that no physical underload or overload occurs, thus preventing damage to health.
Office ergonomics
Whether at home or in the office, the pandemic has given new impetus and, above all, greater acceptance of working remote. Working habits have become more flexible and location-independent. As a result, many companies no longer offer their employees fixed workplaces, but have created new working models such as activity-based workspaces, open space offices or co-working spaces. Nowadays, this flexibility usually corresponds to an expectation of the employees towards the companies. Companies that have already anchored ergonomics in their health management can even see this as a competitive advantage.
At home, personal behaviour and conditions (such as light, furniture, environment) are often not very conducive to good health. Therefore, the working environment in the company should have better conditions so that more complaints do not arise. If the office is not only attractive, but also offers good technical, organisational and ergonomic conditions, employees are more likely to prefer the workplace in the company to the one in the home.
Workplaces and office furniture shared by employees require special product features. Chairs and tables must be easily and logically adjustable and fit different body sizes. Ideally, the office is furnished with many different types of sitting or standing furniture and the environment should encourage movement. Optimal visual ergonomics is another aspect that has become significantly more relevant when working from home. Poor visual conditions are not only a strain on the eyes, but also lead to musculoskeletal complaints in the neck and shoulders and can cause headaches.
We are happy to advise you. Especially, in the planning phase, to ensure the best outcomes.
Workplace analyses
Would you like to train your own health experts in your company in the spirit of sustainability?
We are happy to share our knowledge and experience in areas such as office ergonomics, load handling, ergonomics in production or cashier workstations. We offer:
Full-day, practical training courses with annual refresher training.
Other solutions tailored to your specific needs, which could include:
- Introduction to the basics of human anatomy and physiology
- Explanation of the basics of ergonomics and workplace design
- Practical exercises to learn good working techniques
- Analysis of case studies
- Planning approaches as a trainer
- Using checklists to improve workplace ergonomics
- Carrying out workplace inspections with documentation (through filming, photography, interviews)
- Joint development of measures to improve workplace ergonomics
All lectures and webinars are interactive, entertaining and conducted in German or English (if required also in Swedish). To ensure an interactive approach, we mix lectures with online surveys, break-out exercises and other participatory activities. The embedding of scientific background is by no means neglected. Duration from 1 hour or as required.
Example of topics:
- Office ergonomics/ergonomics in the home office
- Arthrosis, a widespread disease, with a focus on the hip/knee
- Back pain, a knowledge update
- Uninterrupted sitting and its consequences

Ergonomics lab
- In order to find the right furniture for you or your company, we have set up a room in our practice for this purpose. Here you will find various seating options, ergonomic mice and keyboards, footrests and much more. The room was kindly furnished by Vögtli Bürodesign and some input devices (mouse, keyboard) were provided by me-first in Zurich. Nevertheless, the advice is product-independent and neutral. For us, health is in the foreground.
Voice ergonomics
In professions where the voice is used professionally (e.g. teachers, stage performers, service professions, call centres), it is easy for the voice to become overworked, limiting the ability to work. Poor voice condition can lead to the development of voice disorders, with symptoms such as vocal fatigue, laryngeal pain, weak voice and hoarseness. Regardless of the cause, it is important to ensure that the work environment is voice-friendly, especially if the job places high demands on the voice. To promote a clear and strong voice, as well as the ability to use the voice effectively over time, we offer voice coaching at our premises or at your location.
Occupational physiotherapy
In order to consistently prevent musculoskeletal complaints and the resulting costs, would you like to offer physiotherapeutic and ergonomic consultations in your company? By means of regular on-site services, all employees can be reached. We also reach new employees and employees with (new) health complaints and can provide:
- personal ergonomic consultations (preventive or as an intervention for existing complaints)
- physiotherapy consultations
- Creation of web-based, individual training programmes and compensatory exercises.
We work together with managers, safety specialists, human resources managers, occupational medicine, as well as IT. We get to know each other well and you ensure that you can offer your employees the best working conditions from an ergonomic point of view.